Guide to properly care for hair extensions

Guide to properly care for hair extensions

Guide to properly care for hair extensions

Hair extensions have become one of the favorite resources of women when it comes to changing the look. They add volume, length, body and life quickly without having to wait for the hair to grow.
However, wearing hair extensions is not enough to make your hair look radiant. Once you have it in place, you must take different steps to take care of it, since it can be abused and even cause damage to the scalp.

It doesn't matter if you have natural or synthetic hair extensions, both types of hair need proper nutrition and care to stay shiny and strong. It is important to know that permanent hair extensions need to be washed at least two to three times a week, while clip-on hair extensions can be washed only once. But washing them is not enough, so here is a guide for the correct care of hair extensions.

How to properly care for hair extensions
Brush it correctly: it is important to use a soft bristle brush and avoid pulling the hair at all costs. Start brushing it from the tips to the roots to untangle. You also shouldn't brush or detangle it while it's wet, as that causes it to break.

Wash it with suitable products: use sulfate-free shampoo, preferably neutral shampoo. Before washing, you should brush it gently to untangle. You should avoid washing it with your head bowed.

Conditioners: the extensions, even if they are made of natural hair, need extra hydration. This is because it does not receive the same nutrients and natural oils from your hair. Apply the conditioner without touching the scalp, that is, from the middle of the hair to the ends. You can also apply oils to your hair to avoid dryness.

Drying: remove excess water by rolling the hair in a towel and avoiding rubbing it so that it does not get tangled. You should use a temperature that is not hot and even alternating temperatures from cold to warm. Do not hold the dryer too close to it, either.

Other tips to take into account about the care of hair extensions:

- Avoid going to bed with damp hair.
If you go to the beach, wash it immediately to remove the salt.
When it comes to exercising, braid it or pick it up without stretching it too much.
- Use a special brush for extensions.
Never blow dry or comb it head down
Avoid keratins and straightening.
In the case of natural hair extensions, avoid bleaching them, as this dries out the hair.
- Avoid flat irons and high temperatures on synthetic hair extensions.
Which brushes are best for hair extensions?
- Brushes made of plastic and wood can damage the extensions. You can choose the following:
- Loop Brushes - For synthetic and wavy extensions.
- Bristle Brushes: for easily tangled hair.

Save extensions correctly
In the case of extensions that are not permanent (clip type), it is recommended to brush them and store them in their original packaging.

These are some of the tips we give you to take care of your hair extensions and the health of your scalp, if you have not subscribed to our blog, do so now and receive the best beauty and hair care tips.

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